Hmmm...he heard the fireworks at Fairpark in Dallas would be cooler.
But he seemed to think this Tea Party thing had potential.

And then he wondered why Mom had only been putting him in his red, white and blue a LOT lately...Or is it only the days Mom has her camera on her?

I told him, "It's that time of year, kid, suck it up."

He said he likes being patriotic.

This was the crowd when we first got there at 7ish. We were late because I didn't want to spend my Independence Day with heat exhaustion.

Then the party got started once Michelle Malkin spoke and one of the Monkees sang Daydream Believer.
That sounds like Michell Malkin sang Daydream Believer. For the record: She did not.

This was our area. We could have used some chairs. But this was our first time at a tea party and we didn't really know what we needed to be prepared.

In Mom's bag of tricks, we found an airplane.

Whoa! He's pretty into airplanes.
We stayed for the fireworks, but it freaked him out. So we drove home and mom added fireworks to the list of Things That Freak Him Out right behind "rodeos" and "the shark part of Finding Nemo".